Friday, January 16, 2015

A New Journey and on my way to pay for my Ryan Home!

Well, I know I've been gone for awhile! But I'm back and boy am I so excited!

 I have had a lot happen in the past year. I have even found a way to work from home so I can enjoy my home even more!

Here's what I've been up to: 1. Giving birth to my second daughter!
2. Getting Assaulted by a student. (not good but it drove me to do something different!)
3. Finding an awesome work at home opportunity. After really long day in teaching, I went home and cried. A student had assaulted me. A student changed my world in a way I never thought would have ever happened in teaching. It was one of those things that makes you want to leave teaching and find another career.
 As a matter of a fact, I spent WEEKS watching the job boards desperately trying to find a work at home job or any job for that matter. I did not want to leave my house and I just wanted to find a way to make money and support my family that was flexible and with a lot less stress! For the first time in my life, I was plagued by anxiety.
 Everywhere I went, I would feel anxious.
 Something about that day changed my life forever.
 I have had a lot of trails in my life, so I knew deep down somehow that I would get through it.

 You know what? I did!

 I am now on my way to a better future than I could possibly ever imagine.

 I am in a position to make money from home  and work hard at helping others recover from the ailments that life throws at you. No more feeling alone. No more being tired all the time! More time with my family and an internal happiness that I haven't felt in a while.

 I LOVE working now!

 I love the people I work with and I love the fact that I get to enjoy my Ryan Home while doing it! This house and this new job is by far the best decision I have ever made in life. The bad thing that happened was just something to drive me into a better life and I am so thankful for it!

 If you are in a place where you are looking for a new direction, please visit:....Ask me about it!

 I have found a different venture than what I originally posted and am making some great progress. I will definitely blog about it once I get thing up and running. No MLM or quick's a real business and I'm excited about it.

 I don't have time to type because I gotta get back on and get through my courses! I will share soon!