Well, we have been in our home for one year! Wow, does time go by fast! I decided that I would write on the things I love about our home and the things that I would change. let's start with the things that I would change so we can end the post with things I love and a good note:
Things I would change:
1. I would have not upgraded the carpet in the upstairs. Why? Because I really don't see much difference and I'm going to pay to have the upstairs and the downstairs flooring replaced within 5 years. Let's just say, even the upgraded carpet leaves much to be desired.
2. I would have paid for the stone fireplace. I don't mind the standard but I still dream of the stone and it's going to be a task to alter the one I have. I can do it, but I cringe at how dry my hands are going to get with all the cement.
3. I would have asked them to place an outlet on both sides of my kitchen island. It's amazing how many times I wish I had another outlet on the other end.
4. Thermostat placement. It is currently smack dab in the middle of the wall that it is on. I had to decorate around it. That is just annoying.
5. SWITCH for garage light INSIDE mudroom. It would be more convenient.
6. Bannister? Maybe...I like the look and I occasionally would like that formality, however I do also like the extra wall to back my piano against. Even still, I think if I had gotten bannisters, I would not be wishing I had a half wall. I do like how my cat and dogs can be blocked out of the upstairs though.
7. Add another basement window. I love light. I really would love another window or two in my basement.
8. PAY for a deadlock sliding door or different type of walkout door for the basement. It makes me nervous that it is just a latch.
9. Upgrade the master bathroom counter to granite. I don't mind the standard white, but I would love granite. But then again...I also like a lower mortgage.
10. INSIST on better topsoil. Our yard is ridiculous. We have put a lot of time in it and we are actually treating it with something called Claymend. I feel that we shouldn't have to do this. The "topsoil" is a joke.
11. Upgrade trim. Can you upgrade to a real wood trim? The standard stuff we have seems to nick too easily.
12. Paint the garage before hanging stuff up. I know it seems silly to paint a garage but I love aesthetically pleasing things. It's the first thing I see when I come home...I'm going to have to do some work to paint it now.
13. Insist on seeing the new boxes from all the light bulbs. I know this sound crazy BUT I've had more lights than I care to count burn out just a couple months in the house. They are florescent and definitely shouldn't be doing that! They are not cheap to replace either.
14. ADD A FRONT PORCH. I didn't realize how much I like to sit on our stoop. I would definitely love a front porch. It didn't come with our elevation but it should.
15. BEG for the panel glass door to the basement. I've seen in it in other Venice models and still love it and wish I had it. If anyone knows where they come from, please let me know.
16. UPGRADE the dishwasher. IT works...but that's about it. It's kind of noisy and it was already rusting on the racks! Fortunately we called GE before the 1 year warranty expired and they sent us new ones, but we know they will end up rusint too. It's just a bad design for a dishwasher.
17. INSIST on a hose bib on the FRONT of the house and not in the garage. It is just annoying to have to juggle a hose through cars. We ended up moving our ourself. It would have been nice if it was already done. We did utilize the old hose bib for a utility sink though....so that's nice.
Things I would KEEP:
1. I LOVE the recessed lighting in my kitchen. LOVE IT.
2. Morning room. I would hate this house without it. I LOVE IT!
3. Upgrade tile in master bath. It just looks and feels better.
4. WAIT to paint until after my 10month/year inspection. This was a wise choice on my part. When they came to do all the little fixes, Ryan Homes easily painted them for me too. A neighbor of mine had to paint the fixes herself because she had already painted.
5. Pay for a basement window. The benefit of this is indescribable.
6. Upstairs Laundry room. It makes my life so easy and I love it.
7. Pay for garage door opener. I like that we have never had to mess with this. I know we could have done it or hired someone, but I like that from DAY ONE we were able to get in and out with ease.
8. Cottage Elevation. I love the way my house looks. I adore the brick and I think it will stay in "style" for a long time. I love stone and originally wanted it but didn't want to pay the extra. I'm glad we have the brick because I'm still happy with the money saved and the way the house looks. I LOVE the cedar vinyl siding on the face of the house. The flower box allows me to do a lot of creative things to give the house character too. I think it is much better than just plain siding (no offense).
9. Placement of fireplace. I'm on and off about this, but when I have my deck, I'm pretty sure I'm going to love it. Our fireplace is on the opposite wall of the kitchen. The furniture placement is a little more challenging than if it were on the side wall, however I know I can deal with that and would be more annoyed if it was taking up deck space.
10. VENICE house. I think that the venice is awesome. Sometimes I think I want a different model but then I always find something that turns me off. For instance, most other houses may have more rooms on the first floor or a beautiful foyer (like the Victoria Falls) BUT the size of the bedrooms are much less than the ones I have. I think the Venice is perfect for families who need space and don't mind that they don't have the "WOW!" facter upon entering the front door. The Vitoria Falls is a beautiful house with an amazing foyer and 1st floor layout upon entering. The Venice is more practical and utilizes every and all nooks and corners. I like that. Now wasted space.
9. Using Ryan Homes. I think Ryan Homes is great for a first time home buyer building a new home. The customer service has been exceptional in the sales office and from NVR for the 10 month check. Everything I asked to be adjusted, fixed and/or changed has been done in superfast time. I really appreciate that and I really appreciate the opportunity to have issues addressed close to a year after owning my home.
10. Building in a subdivision. Although you run into a few grouches here and there or someone who knows everything about everyone, I really like the diversity and safety provided by a subdivision. When I enter my little development, I immediately feel safe and at home. Neighbors look out for each other and invite one another to little picnics and get togethers. I like seeing kids play in the front yards or selling lemonade down the street. I like a "Hey" or a wave from a passerby.
So there you go. For us, it was the best decision of our life to build this home. Everyday we feel good about working hard for this house purchase. It is exactly the house of our dreams and we would definitely do it all over again if we had to....with maybe a little better topsoil. :)
(Update/// One thing I did super super right! It's right here: www.marikinavalley.com! Not an mlm. Just a super awesome way to take courses and learn how to stay at home or make extra income. It's killer!
This is our new home building journal with Ryan Homes......the good, the bad, and the ugly. We are not paid by Ryan Homes or receiving any type of incentive to do this. We just want to document for ourselves and share with others so that they know what to expect. This is our first and hopefully last home together! We hope you enjoy this as much as we've enjoyed and learned from others blogs about the home building process...which isn't as scary as we originally thought. :)
Monday, August 12, 2013
Saturday, March 23, 2013
My little neighborhood is growing!
Well...I still have a lot of photo catching up to do! I attended a very nice Easter block party today and was pleasantly surprised to see that we have no shortage of kids in this new place we call home! Wow! There must have been at least 75 kids or more! I got to meet a lot of neighbors but I'll be happier to stand around and talk when the weather gets warmer. Can you believe how cold it is lately? Here's a little sneak peek of what's been going on since we built. My house is the venice on the left.

Sunday, January 6, 2013
153 days and Coyotes in the woods!
Wow! Can you believe we've been in for that much time? We've had a lot go on with moving in and the holidays. I look forward to taking some photos and sharing updates (probably in another month or two!) in the future. We've had a few issues that still need resolved. Rusmur flooring, which Ryan is using in our area, is on our s@*t list. We will NEVER pay for them to do anything. To make a long story as short as possible for now, they screwed up our tile in the master bath, some of it popped off, they fixed it, some of it cracked, they fixed it, some of it popped off again....etc. etc. It's been a miniature nightmare. Ryan Homes annoyed us by not putting the hammer down on the company the first time so we are 153 days in and we still do not have a complete bathroom. I'll explain more and share photos once the whole thing is resolved. Ryan Homes is coming in tomorrow to do the "final" repair. Other than that. WE LOVE our home. We couldn't ask for a better view from our morning room and our bills are awesome! We have over 1500 more square feet than our last home and pay less in our utilities. You've gotta love that! On a side note: We have coyotes!!! It's creepy when they howl at night. We are definitely going to get a fence to protect our human and furry babies. We also are happy to see the lot next to us being built! Yahoo! If I remember correctly her name is Felicia??and his is Dale or Don....or maybe I don't remember at all. At any rate, they seem pretty cool and have two little ones. I'm excited!
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